I've been going to see The Wedding Pesent play live since 1986 and this is one of the best gigs I've seen them play. A nice taster for the 'Seamonsters' tour next year. I got talking to some bloke from 'XYZ Magazine' and he got a hold of me at the end of the night. I gave him a 'soundbite' and a photo that probably won't make it into the magazine. Afterwards I was delighted to head off to the after show party (as the 'official WeddingPresent cartoonist' I have certain privileges!! - thanks David & Jessica for inviting me) which rounded off a spectacular day rather nicely.
John Peel - 5th September 1992
6 months ago
Seamonsters Tour????? Is that official? What was the setlist btw?
It's official, don't know the dates yet. I can't remember the setlist but there were lots of old favourites and a couple of new rockin' tunes!